2014 “Golden Colt Award”opens for submissions

2014年09月05日14:36  新浪图片 收藏本文

  Notice on Inviting Contributions to the 2014 “Golden Colt Award” WorldCollege Students Photography Exhibition

  The 2014 “Golden Colt Award” world college students photographyexhibition (hereinafter referred to as “the exhibition”) will be held inShangrao City, Jiangxi Province in November 2014. The exhibition is aimed atpromoting the academic exchanges between the institutions of higher learning inChina and the teaching exchanges between them and their internationalcounterparts, thus being of great importance for the image education, image artconstruction, and high-level talent cultivation in China’s colleges anduniversities.  

  Sponsors:China Photographers Association, Beijing Film Academy, and the People’sGovernment of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province

  Organizers:the Photography Education Committee of China Photographers Association, Schoolof Photography of Beijing Film Academy, and Beijing Photography CorrespondenceSchool

  Media partner: Sina Photo (http://photo.sina.com.cn/)

  Deadline:at 24:00 September 30, 2014 (all entries must be successfully submitted onlinebefore the point)

  1.Contribution/ Registration Process

  1. The exhibition is available to all students now studying incolleges and universities at home and abroad (including those who justgraduated in 2014)

  2. The exhibition consists of the following parts: the unit forGolden Colt Award 【includingpicture photography, multi-media video, and Golden Colt TalentDeveloper Award (for the academic advisors)】, theunit for feeling Shangrao (picture photography only), and the unit for planemodels. Besides, there is also a Best Organization Award for the participantcolleges and universities。

  3. The entries, both pictures and videos, under the unit ofGolden Colt Award fall into three groups: documentary, art, and commercial.Documentary photography focuses on the social life, natural environment andecosystem, folk customs, etc. through recording the actual events. Artphotography is to express one’s personal aesthetic interest and subjectiveemotions. There are no restrictions on post processing for works in this group.Commercial photography is always aimed at introducing some commodity, servicephilosophy, or pattern of consumption. There are also no restrictions on postprocessing for works in this group. 

  4. The entries for picture photography of the Golden Colt Awardunit and those for the unit of feeling Shangrao can be black and white, orcolorful; single or in group. The number of pictures in each group should bebetween 4 and 16.

  5. For every contributor, the number of their contributions,both picture and video, to the unit of Golden Colt Award should be less than 6;and that to the unit of feeling Shangrao less than 10. In addition, each singlephotography works, each group of photography works, and each multi-media videois regarded as an entry。

  6. There are no restrictions on the content and subject of themulti-media video works under the unit of Golden Colt Award. They can be storyfilms, documentaries, and experimental films (including the animation). Therunning time should be less than 25 minutes. Every entry should be completewith a stage photo, a list of production team, and a brief introduction of thestory with no more than 500 words. All the entries of this exhibition should bemade after January 1, 2013.

  7.Contribution/Registration Method

  7.1 This exhibition onlyaccepts online contribution/registration。

  7.2 For those who want to contribute to the picture photographyunder the unit of Golden Colt Award and the unit of feeling Shangrao, pleaselogin the special page of the exhibition, register, fill in the information ofyour works, and then upload them online. All the photos should be in the formof jpg, with the long side staying between 1,000 pixels and 1,600 pixels,featuring 72 ppi and no bigger than 3MB。

  7.3 For those who want to contribute to the multi-media videounder the unit of Golden Colt Award, please register and login http://vdisk.weibo.com/.A folder named “Golden Colt Award multimedia participant_ full name” should becreated under the root directory of V-disk. Please fill in the application formwhich together with the entry and a stage photo should be uploaded to thefolder just created. Then this folder should be sent to jjj2014video@sina.com. Therunning time of each entry cannot exceed 25 minutes (otherwise they will beeliminated from this exhibition). All the entries should be in the form ofMPEG4, with the resolution no less than 720*576.The file size should be less than 200MB。

  7.4 About the planemodel unit:

  7.4.1 Registration process: (1) Please login the topic page ofthis exhibition on Sina Photo and carefully fill in relevant information; (2)All the registration information will be checked by the Sponsors’ staff within24 hours after being submitted online. The registration will be valid if theinformation submitted is considered correct; (3) After the check, theregistration information of contestants (excluding those related to theirpersonal identity) can be seen on the Web page. And then, contestants cancontinue to upload the photos of your own without makeup, artistic photos,declaration for the competition, self-introduction and diaries. (4)After thecheck, the online voting for the most popular contestant will beginimmediately.     

  7.4.2 Evaluationprocess: (1) Registration time: July 9, 2014 – September 30, 2014; (2) The listof 20 finalists will be published on the special page of the exhibition onOctober 20, 2014; (3) The ten best model contestants will be revealed inShangrao in November 2014. 

  7.4.3Things to note: (1) During the evaluation period, contestants should constantlyenrich your information on the special page of the exhibition on Sina Photo sothat netizens can browse and vote for the most popular one. (2) All thepictures and words uploaded by the contestants cannot contain anythingpornographic or violent and cannot contain ideology and political ideas that goagainst the law of the People’s Republic of China. Failure to abide by thisrule results in immediate disqualification. (3) The photos of the contestantsfor registration must be the one of his/her own. Any false photo willdisqualify him/her (4) The 20 finalists’ expenses for board, lodging andtransportation when taking the final Shangrao will be covered by the Sponsors。

  2. About theAwards

  1. Golden Colt Award unit- Picture photography



文章关键词: 2014 Golden Students Award

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