荒木经惟:感伤之旅/堕乐园 1971-2012
Nobuyoshi Araki: Sentimental Journey / Decadence in Paradise 1971-2012
主 办:三影堂厦门摄影艺术中心
协 办:兰州谷仓当代影像馆
展 期:2017年9月15日 – 11月12日,9:30-17:30 免费开放(周一闭馆)
开 幕:2017年9月15日(星期五) 16:00-18:00
地 点:三影堂厦门摄影艺术中心(厦门市集美区杏林湾运营中心2号楼301)
Organizer: Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre
Co-organizer: Gucang Contemporary Image Center, Lanzhou
Project directors: RongRong & inri
Special guest curator: Hisako Motoo
Duration: September 15 - November 12, 2017
9:30 to 17:30 Tuesday through Sunday
Opening:16:00-18:00, September 15(Friday)
Venue: Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre
No.301,Building 2, Xinglinwan Business Center, Jimei District, Xiamen

《感伤之旅》系列,1971 / 2011
Sentimental Journey series, 1971/ 2011

《冬之旅》系列,1990 / 2011
Winter Journey series, 1990/ 2011

《春之旅》系列,2010 / 2011
Spring Journey series, 2010 / 2011

《堕乐园》系列,2012 / 2012
Decadence in Paradise series, 2012/ 2012
Nobuyoshi Araki is a representative Japanese photographer who has long been globally recognized for his work。 With his infinite passion and faith, Araki has been dubbed “the madman of photography” for his reputation of challenging the limits of the medium again and again。
We have always been admiring Araki’s courageous spirit as an independent artist。 Araki has long been called “erotic photography master” by media which obscured his penetration and sensitivity。 In 1971, Araki edited and privately published Sentimental Journey as his origin as a photographer which also represented his career in photography。 This series reflects Araki’s strong sense of expressive power, which renders a personal narrative timelessly and resonates in our hearts。 It has become Araki’s most respected and influential body of work。
This exhibition, with series Sentimental Journey, Winter Journey, and Spring Journey, presents the stories of the honeymoon of Araki and his wife Yoko, moments of their married life till the time Yoko and their pet cat’s passing away。 These monochromatic photographs are sincere and touching。 The creation of Decadence in Paradise was near the same time when the tragedy of the earthquake-tsunami struck Japan in 2011。 Araki turned balcony of his apartment into a photo studio。 Against a black backdrop, he juxtaposed antique dolls, monster puppets, and flowers, so as to duplicate a garden of paradise。 But he realized clearly, “but it could not turn out to be a garden of paradise。 It had fallen into the world of darkness。 Thus, I call it Decadence in Paradise。”
Araki, even though over 70 years old, still keeps on creating his own art。 We are increasingly impressed by his artistic ability to express his unique existence and his insight on the world to achieve his own individual articulation of feeling。 His artistic energy is so amazing。 Although this exhibition is by no means entirely comprehensive, it is our sincere hope to make more people appreciate Araki’s plentiful art world and bring about greater awareness and understanding of Araki and his works。
We would like to thank Mr。 Wang Xiye and his Gucang Contemporary Image Center, who provided original works of Sentimental Journey, Winter Journey, and Spring Journey for the exhibition, as well as the curator Ms。 Hisako Motto, whom Araki trusts deeply and fully。 This exhibition couldn’t have come to fruition without the whole-hearted support and assistance of these two individuals。
开放时间:每日9:30至17:30,免费开放,周一休息 (布展期间闭馆)
电话:+86 592 6372133
责任编辑:孙先进 SN216